Gene Taylor

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Frebyrd Blues
Fintro Bank
Neerpelt, 3910

Acct. # BE19 1430 8199 4912

Important: All mailing info must be on the bank transfer!!!

  1. 605 Boogie 3:54
  2. Sugarbee 4:36
  3. Don't you lie to me 4:45
  4. Looped 3:26
  5. Mardi Gras in New Orleans 4:23
  6. Before you accuse me 5:27
  7. Earl's Guitar Rumba 4:32
  8. That's all right 5:45
  9. Down the road apiece 3:05
  10. What am I living for? 3:50
  11. Blue Moon of Kentucky 3:32
  12. Lights out 4:08